Welcome To the
Real Estate Prospector Software System!
I’ve created this page to cut down on any confusion.
Depending on what level you have purchased,
There are TWO or THREE different pages you’ll need to use for access.
All the pages are listed here for your convenience.
Here Are The Pages You’ll Need:
To Get on the TRAINING Site:
You’ll need your User Name & Password to login.
This was assigned to you when you first purchase the software.
To Get Access to the Real Estate Prospector SOFTWARE:
You’ll need to use the special link that was provided when you were notified that your site was set up.
It would have come from this name: Tony Pearl–Real Estate Prospector 2+
and the subject line: YOUR NAME, here’s your Real Estate Prospector 2+ Access!!Again, you would have received this in a special email. I hope you bookmarked it, because that’s how you access the software: by clicking on that special, unique link in the email you were sent.
IF You Took Advantage of the Special Offer…
To Get Access to the Automatic Text Machine (aka ATM, aka SMS Bot):
You’ll need your User Name & Password to login.
This was sent to you when you were notified that the software was set up for you.
If you haven’t yet purchased the Automatic Text Machine Upgrade:
This super powerful software helps you have automatic text message conversations with prospects who reply to your text message marketing.
This automates the entire process even more, and allows you to only deal with those who are ready to talk to you!
Click HERE for more information if you don’t have this yet.
I hope this page helps you keep things straight. 🙂