Wait! Your order isn’t quite done yet…

How would you like to have a simple, easy, and effective way to automate your text message conversations with those sellers, so all you have to do is pick up the phone to call and close them?


The Automatic Text Machine (ATM)

This is a simple upgrade addon to your Real Estate Prospector software.
Think of it as a Text Message Autoresponder. How it works is quite simple…

Just say yes to this offer, which costs only $47/one time. Fill out the simple onboarding form as you normally will, and I’ll set this up for you. After your software is ready, whenever someone replies YES to your outbound text message campaign question of “Is your house still available,” the software kicks in with an automatic, human-looking “Conversation” to get their name, confirm that they’re the owner, and see when they’ll have a few minutes to jump on the phone to have a quick chat with you!

How Cool Is That?

Further, everything is tracked, so that when you login to the software, you’ll be able to see who replied and when so that you can follow up with them as quickly as possible.

Listen, I’m not going to write a long sales letter here to try to “convince” you to get this. You either see the value of this automation & recognize the stupid low price, or you don’t. If it’s not for you, no worries. You’ll still be super happy with the REP 2+ software!


If you’re ready to add this awesome extra element of automation, then simply click on the button below to claim your copy!