
Congratulations & Welcome!
You've just made a wise investment in the Powerful Real Estate Prospector Software.
Here's what to do now... 

While I'm getting your software all customized & set up for you, please take the time to learn HOW to use it properly.

Your Prospecting efforts are about to be Turbo-Charged, and save you SO much time & effort!

In a moment, you're going to start your training on how to use this extremely powerful software.
I've prepared a few instructional videos you'll need to watch in order to get familiar with how it works and how to use it to your best benefit.  You're going to learn all you need to know in these videos. The only thing that will remain after that is you taking ACTION! 
NOTE: You will receive your personalized access to the software on a separate site with separate login info.

You're Getting Access to the Following Training Videos:


Setting Up Accounts & Spreadsheets